Memorandum to start election process to elect governing body of Ex-Paramilitary Forces welfare association of HP State registered no. 365/2006.
Tenure of present governing body is going to be completed in the month of November 2020. Therefore, a new governing body is to be elected to run the affairs of the welfare association.
2. As per para 9 of the rules and regulations of the association, election of the governing body will be made through secret ballot and all the members of the General body shall have the right to cast only one vote. The governing body will be elected almost out of founder member of the association.
3. Our State association is based on district level associations and so on district level associations on tehsil level associations. Therefore our founder members are district level associations and the elected Presidents of the districts will cast their vote to elect the governing body.
4. As per requirement of the association work, the following shall be functionary of the governing body :-
1. President
2. Vice President
3. General Secretary
4. Joint Secretary
5. Treasurer
6. Assistant Treasurer
7. Media Secretary
8. Assistant media secretary
9. Advisor
10. Advisor
11. Executive members one each from districts
5. As election to be held by secret ballot, a Returning officer is to be detailed by the President of the association to whom the desirous ex.capfs personnel will file their nominations for the above posts (Serial no. 1 to 10) except Executive members which will be nominated by district Presidents of each district.
6. The election will be held by holding a meeting of all founder members i.e. all district Presidents.
7. The following districts are associated with the State association.
1. Bilaspur
2. Chamba
3. Hamirpur
4. Kangra
5. Kinnaur
6. Kullu
7. Lahual & Spiti
8. Mandi
9. Shimla
10. Solan
11. Una
8. We request Sirmour district President to participate in the election process. Before that we request him to submit photocopy of their proceedings register of their meetings to prove their existence if association is not registered and if registered a copy of the same. It is also requested to deposit an amount of Rs. 1000/- as memberships fee to join the State association.
9. The election schedule is as under :-
a. 1st Oct to 10 Oct. 2020 ; The above mentioned election process will be bought into the knowledge of all ex.capfs personnel through district and tehsil level associations.
b. 11 Oct to 20 Oct 2020 ; desirous candidates will file their nominations to the Returning officer.
c. 21 Oct to 25 Oct 2020; withdrawal of nomination.
d. 26 Oct to 30 Oct 2020 ; preparation time for election.
e. Nominations by the desirous candidates will be filed through email to Returning officer on the format given below. Candidates will fill-up the prescribed form and send it on Mail id of Returning officer. For withdrawal of the nomination same procedure will be adopted as for filling the nominations. Name of Returning officer will be intimated on his appointment.
f. Election will be held during first/ second week of November 2020. Exact Date and venue will be intimated in due course of time after consultation with all district Presidents.
g. Willingness from experienced and voluntary ex.capfs personnel is invited to be detailed as Returning officer.
10.All district Presidents are requested to disseminate the above process to all ex.capfs personnel through their tehsil level associations so that it become well known to all ex capfs personnel that election to the governing body of the State welfare association is going to be held and desirous candidates file their nominations.
11. If no nominations are received within the stipulated period, then general body ( all district Presidents) will elect the governing body out of the members present in the meeting for which all district Presidents will ensure to bring able candidates with them as only those present in the meeting will be elected.
12.To give wide publicity all district Presidents are requested to publish this process in the local newspapers of their area.
13.Format for filing the nomination.
1. Post for which applied
2. Name
3. Rank
4. Regimental no.
5. Force from which retired
6. Date of retirement
7. Nature of retirement ( superannuation, medical board out, voluntary, discharged on own request)
8. Home address
9. Tehsil/ district level association to which associated
10. Education Qualification
11. Age as on 1.11.2020
12. Remarks
Date signature
14.Form to withdraw the nomination
I….name …..rank……regimental no. ….have filed my nomination for the post of ………. and submitted the same to Returning officer on ……… through email, withdraw my nomination on my own will.
Date signature
a. The above note has been prepared on the basis of (i) rules and regulations of the association (copy of which already circulated through this group) (ii) Societies Registration Act 2006 and rules.
b. Membership fee proposed is tentative and can be reduced or enhanced as per opinion of all present district Presidents.
c. Any suggestions to make the elections smooth and more transparent are welcomed.
d. All district Presidents to send their email I’d so that further correspondence in this regard can be made through email also.
e. Suggestion, if any, from all district Presidents are also invited through this whatapp group to make the election successful.
This issues with the approval of State President.